All Saints Day. All Saints Day! How fantastic is it that we have a special day set aside for all the saints, including those we don’t even know about!
When I was little, I wanted to be a saint, but I wanted to be one so that I would be famous and people would remember me. I also believed that it was so hard to be a saint. Not very many people would ever be canonized, so why try?
Now that I’m older, I still want to be a saint! I want to live my life for Jesus, and I want to be with God, His angels and His saints one day in heaven. I do still believe that it isn’t easy to become a saint, but it isn’t impossible! I may not be martyred for my faith, as so many other saints have been. I may never have visions of the angels and saints. But I can live every moment of my day for Christ.
I can give of myself willingly. I can offer up every moment of my day for Him. I can share my faith with those around me, even if I may not have all the answers. And sometimes these things can seem easier said than done, but they are still possible.
St. Isidore was a poor farm hand, and he and his wife lived very holy lives. Blessed Chiara Badano comforted family, friends and other patients while she was dying of bone cancer. St. Dominic Savio was canonized because of his holy life, even though he was only 14 when he died. St. Gianna loved God and her family so much that she was willing to die to save her unborn child.
We are all called to be saints. We are all children of God. Yes, there were many saints that led incredible prayer lives, had visions, could levitate, and so on, but most of the saints that we hear about were ordinary people who loved and lived their lives for God.
There isn’t a strict layout on how to become a saint. The things we do for Christ will be different. Some of us may help the poor, some of us may care for the unborn, and some of us might have incredible prayer lives. But we are all called to, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind… and Love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27).
~ Noëlle, Youth Ministry Coordinator